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Tips for Traveling with Kids


Traveling with your family can be overwhelming. Even though it gets easier the more you do it, you’ll run into challenges any time you travel with kids. Being prepared is one of the best things you can do to make family travel go smoothly. But there are lots of little things you can do to save you some time, money, or stress on your next vacation.

Luckily, you have a travel agent who thinks of everything before you even start planning! Follow these tips to make traveling with your family easier!

  1. Plan a vacation that includes accommodation, activities, and entertainment for the whole family!

When it comes to planning a vacation, you should rely on your travel agent to pick the right type of vacation for you and your family. Depending on the age of your kids and who else is coming on your trip, S2T would pair you to the right destination, property and/or ship. If this is a trip for a young family, we'll include baby and toddler friendly amenities. Alternatively, if this is a mix of kids, teens, parents, and grandparents, we'll need to pair your trip with a place that has it all! Vacations are never one size fits all!

2. Take it slow and plan EXTRA time.

When traveling with your family, everything takes longer than expected. Getting to the airport, getting through the airport, getting through customs, and arriving to your destination. The more heads, the longer it takes! The best way to avoid stress is to mentally prepare for needing extra time. Considering the number of stops and bathroom breaks you'll need will help determine how much time you actually need.

3. Do not overpack.

Parents -- this is the biggest mistake you can make! Don't overpack for you or the kids. Don't try to fit your home routine into your vacation. That's not the point of vacation. Instead, pack the necessities. You should only a few "just in case" outfits. Your destination will have more than enough blankets and toiletries, and if there's anything you desperately need you can probably buy it at your destination.

4. Pre-book as much as you can!

No matter if you're cruising, if you're at an all-inclusive resort, or if you are exploring a US or European city, plan what you can in advance. Once you know your travel dates, leave at least a full day for relaxation, and plan a couple of activities for your itinerary. Ask your travel agent for professional activity planning tips! We know a lot about the destinations!

5. Outline the trip to your kids.

Many kids get anxiety about going to a place they have never been before even if they don't share that with you. Surprises aren't always the best idea! Explain to them how traveling works, how you get to the destination, and then explain what you'll do while you're there. You don't have to ruin all the surprises. To share what to expect is a helpful way to help them learn more about traveling and how vacation works!

6. Snacks, snacks, snacks!

A HANGRY kid makes for a bad travel time! Be sure to have plenty of snacks for getting through the airport, the plane ride, the transfer and for the room or cabin. You're allowed to bring unopened packages onboard a plane or ship. Plus, its' a great idea to have familiar snacks available rather than having to buy unfamiliar brands for during your trip.

7. Travel with medicine, just in case.

Bring along medicine for earaches, headaches, tummy problems or anything else that is common for your kiddos. These things are less-easy to get while traveling and possibly more expensive.

8. Preparing for special needs while traveling

Whatever your family's needs are, S2T will work hard to create the best-case vacation scenario for you! Wherever you want to go, we will make it possible to travel, explore and relax.

9. Bring along a car seat if you need to!

Having a car seat is just as important at home as it is on vacation! Car seats or travel booster seats can be used on the airplane, in transfer vans or buses and for comfort when needed.

10. Be flexible and have fun!

With kids, as we're sure you know, plans can get off track at almost any time without notice. Always take care of you and yours first and have as much fun as you can along the way!

If Starlight2Travel can help plan your next family vacation, let's get in touch! Until next time, Toodles!


Starlight2Travel, Inc. is a Cleveland-based online travel agency. We assist travelers from coast to coast. We specialize in cruises, romance, and family vacations! Our services provide incredible vacation experiences for couples, families, and groups. Please visit our website for travel information and inspiration. Our Star Traveler blog is also an amazing place to find travel tips and resources! Follow us for more travel information!

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